Apr 9, 2010


Tomato and Green salad with crispy chicken skin.

Made "Ravioles" from scratch. This is one kind of "Gnocchi" made from flour and potatoes.
I really recommend to make them for babies. Perfect nutritions!
As for ravioles, besides flour and potatoes, add some parmesan cheese and egg yolk. This is more rich taste.
We usually taste them with melted butter/olive oil and parmesan cheese.
Boil or Steam potatoes(500~600g) until tender. Peel their skin and mash.
Place 240g flour( for bread flour or #00 Italian flour), 3 tablespoon of grated parmesan cheese and 1/2 teaspoon salt in a large bowl. Add mashed potatoes and mix together until scramble. Add one egg yolk until making a dough. Knead lightly! otherwise the taste gets worse.
Pick up a pinch of dough and shape like the photo above. Sprinkle rice powder so as not to get sticky.
Boil the water with salt (1litre for 1 tablespoon salt) in the large pot. Boil them until the ravioles bobbed to the surface(1~2 minutes), they are ready to serve. Heat another pan and add butter or olive oil. Scoop them out with a sieve, shake off the water and transter them to the pan and coat them with the oil. Sprinkle the parmesan cheese and freshly ground black pepper.

They can be stored in the freezer around 1 month.

To be surprised, Taro had 3 pieces of them even though he has been sick! Maybe he will recover soon.
Taro's rate: ★★★★★

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