Apr 25, 2010

Buntan Jelly

Buntan is one kinds of citrus. It is very big shaped and the flesh is similar to Pomelo and grapefruits. Since their flesh are quite filled and don't have juice so much, when I made jelly, I added fresh orange juice. The jelly is very soft that no need any jelly molds.

Buntan Jelly Recipe( Serve 4)

- 2 Buntan (peeled and crushed their flesh) Any citrus would be fine.
-350cc Fresh orange juice
- 2 tablespoon beet sugar ( it depends on how sweet buntan are)
- 5g gelatine powder

1 Pour 1/3 orange juice in a measure cup. Add sugar and gelatine powder and mix together.
2 Place 1 into the microwave oven and heat for 1minutes (5oow) until sugar and gelatine has dissolved.
3 Add the other orange juice and buntan into the 2 and mix together.
4 Turn 3 into a large bowl and chill until set.
5 Scoop jelly into a bowl using a spoon. Place some mints.

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