Dec 28, 2009

Deep Fried Noodles

Not sure this kind of noodle comes from China or not. We call it "Katayaki Soba". Katayaki means deep fried. Soba means noodles.

You can find it at any supermarkets in Japan. Not only noodles, but also the seasoning they have. Easy to cook!

I don't like MSG and this sort of chemical seasoning but as for this noodles, I like the tastes! It reminds me a Saturday lunch at home in my school days.

Though you might think I am too much conscious of organic and genuine food or a macrobioticcer or something like that, I just eat what I want to eat. Doesn't matter whether it should be organic or not.
This noodle is supposed to be the junk taste. That's it!

Instead, For Taro-san, I always put various vegetables into the sauce and simmer until enough soften so that Taro,who has only 8 teeth, can eat vegetables a lot!

This is also a good chance to clean up all stale vegetables in the fridge!! :-P

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