Jul 3, 2010

Troccoli Pasta with Shrimp Sauce

Joined Cooking class for pasta from scratch. It has been ages that I took the lesson last. This time, we made "Troccoli" which is very common in Pugliia.
For the sauce, made broth from shrimp head, tomato and onion first. The broth is really special and brilliant. Aside from the pasta sauce, we can use it for risotto as well.

After the lesson, I made it for my family and my uncle from Sydney.
I was able to cook it as same as my teacher did. :)

Besides the pasta, made tomato and mozzarela salad.
As usual, lemon juice, olive oil and S&P are for the dressing. That's all.
Simple is the best. :D

Grilled Tuna and zuccini

These meals go with cold white wine. We finished one wine bottle for 3 person. (Actually most of wine were consumed by my uncle.)

Unfortunately, Taro has been suffering from diarrhea and bronchitis. He didn't eat anything without fresh milk.
I think it must be bad for his tummy though.....

Hope he will recover soon.....

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