Oct 24, 2010

Fried Dumpling!

May say Chinese ravioli as well.:ーP
Stuffed loads of chopped cabbage and minched pork.
Serve with Jun's garlic chilli oil
Vegetable soup

Taro's rate:★★★★★
He loves this sort of stuff. Now he measured at 90cm long and weighed 13kg.
Compare to other 2-year-old boys, he is quite tall.


  1. I do that quite often. Where I come from we have a kind of dumpling similar to that, not fried though just steamed :)

  2. Hi Victoria-san!
    Steamed dumpling is also delicious!
    In Japan, somehow fried dumpling is quite common.
    If I had enough time, I would make dumpling from scratch though. I have hectic schedule for work these days and get worn out. Fall asleep beside Taro at 9 o'clock. Give me another 1 hour for me! Then I could blog more~:P
